Living Kindfully

Bring your Own Table

I grow up wanting the recognition from my parents, teachers and friends. When I do not get it, I feel anxious. In fact, I grew up wondering why no one likes me. I had my share of troubles in school for acting like a clown just to get attention.

As I grow into adulthood, I work hard in my job and on myself hoping I can be part of the cool club and receiving the recognition that I yearn. That day never comes. I may get a tap on the shoulder or a nod. I am still a stranger looking from the outside.

Tired of waiting for the recognition. I cannot change how others think of me, but I can always take responsible of my thoughts and action. I can do it for myself. Instead of being invited to the table, I have decided to bring my own table. I can set my rules and run my own race.

I write for myself, testing my thoughts so I can clearly articular my ideas. I am my best reader. I exercise for myself, pushing my body to the next level. There is no medal waiting for me and no cameras capturing me crossing the finishing line. I am my own cheerleader.

My reward is the self-satisfaction that I have done it, and I have given it all. I do not need to be invited to the table as I have already brought my own.