Living Kindfully

Do not Gossip And Do not Listen to Gossip

Standing outside of school, I overheard a group of parents discussing the latest school gossip. The topics included which students' parents were getting divorced, who would be representing the school at the sporting event, which teachers were considered good, and which were considered bad. After five minutes, I walked away without participating in the conversation.

It's important to avoid gossiping and listening to gossip.

While gossip may seem entertaining, it often involves someone else's problems or news. It's like eating junk food – it might feel satisfying in the moment, but it offers no real nutritional value. It's a waste of time.

The words we choose reflect our inner thoughts. Gossiping about others reveals something about our own mental state. The human brain is an amazing tool, and it could be better used for more constructive purposes than idle chatter. Moreover, spoken words can be hurtful, and in extreme cases, even devastating. Speech is an action we can't take back, so we should be careful with our words.

If you ever feel the urge to gossip, ask yourself these questions first: Is this necessary? Is this kind?