Living Kindfully

For a More Effective Day, Do This

I have been working as a project manager for more than 10 years. To be an effective project manager, the best advice that I have received is "close the loop".

The idea of "close the loop" is not only applicable to project managers but to your daily life as well. This is a mindset that promotes thoroughness, accountability, and effective communication. When you are doing something, you make sure you have everything covered and completed.

When you do a task, you take full responsibility of the task. Therefore, you will give it your best, making sure there are no errors or overlooked details.

If you have to communicate, you make sure the message is clear and have proper follow-up, reducing the chances of miscommunication.

Whether you do a task or communicate, it is not just doing it but making sure it is effective and achieve the results that you want. A task that is worth doing, it is worth doing it well.

By "closing the loop". you improve accountability making sure everyone and you take responsibility. When you consistently close the loop, you build a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy, which is a valuable characteristic in life. By doing right the first time, you prevent mistakes, delays and repeated work.

My most effective way to "close the loop" is to write down everything that I need to do. When I complete one task, I will cross out the task. If I am waiting for someone's reply, I will put a note to remind myself that I am waiting for a reply. The list follows me every day. Before I sleep, I will move the list to a fresh page. I will study each entry carefully, making sure it is still relevant and gets actioned in a timely manner. Do not trust your brain to remember your task. Your brain is meant to process ideas and strategize.

The idea is simple but difficult to implement. Many times, I find myself failed to "close the loop" and I paid dearly for the mistakes. Do not beat yourself too hard. Always tell yourself: "What is the outcome I want in this task?" And "I am achieving it?" Then write it down and get it done.