Living Kindfully

Forgive But Never Forget The Lesson

'Honesty' in social life is often used as a cover for rudeness. But there is quite a difference between being candid in what you're talking about, and people voicing their insulting opinions under the name of honesty.


We can't control how people speak to us or whether "honest" feedback is more stinging than helpful. The only thing we can control is our response.

Receiving such feedback is never comfortable. In fact, it can make us feel upset and attacked.

I recently received such feedback. I admit I was upset, and I could feel my face getting warmer by the second.

In fact, I was so upset that I couldn't sleep. As I lay in bed, I stewed about what happened. Deep down, I knew there might be truth to what the person said. Perhaps I wasn't quite where I wanted to be yet.

It was my ego that was hurt, nothing more. I can't undo what happened, but I can focus on the present moment and do what's important. Whenever someone's words bring you down, reflect on whether there's any truth to them. Often, there will be a grain of truth you can use to propel yourself forward. If there's no truth, then don't be upset – it's like a dog barking for no reason.

If you can focus on each moment and give your best, your efforts will accumulate, and you'll one day perform at the level you desire. It may not happen now, but the time will come.

Let that feedback be your fuel to excel. The harsher the criticism, the more determined you can become to improve. Sometimes, even feedback from your worst enemy can be the map to your future success.