Living Kindfully

Have a "No" Day

I admit that I am addicted to social media and the news. To prevent myself from spending too much time on both medium. I established a "No" day to reduce my time spent.

Every Sunday is my "No" day for Social Media. I would avoid all forms of Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok every Sunday.

Every Monday is my "No" day for news. I am forbidden to access all news on Monday.

When I started this practice, I caught myself automatically accessing social media or the news whenever I have pockets of time. When I refrain myself from doing it, I get nervous and wonder what am I missing? It is not fear of missing out but the fear of listening to my own voice. I rather do something that look like work than actual work.

I have been doing this practice for a few years. The time saved is enormous compared to other days where I have access to both news and social media.

For other days, I only limit myself 8 minutes to social media and news from 8am to 8pm. It kept me productive to a certain extend, but I ended up finding other things to distract myself from doing any real work.

Whatever that we doing now, we have to ask whether it is relevant to our well being or related to our goals? If not, just say no. Happy No Day.