Living Kindfully

How to Prepare for a Professional Certification Exam?

Since June 2023, I signed up for AMII Level 1 certification. It is an insurance certification that requires me to complete 6 exam modules. According to Malaysian Insurance Institute, the AMII Level 1 is equivalent to an Executive Diploma in Insurance. Given that insurance is such as knowledge intensive professionalism, continuous learning is a must. Without a good grasp of knowledge, it is impossible to advice our clients.

It took me nearly six months to decide whether I should sign up for the qualification. What is preventing me to decide is whether I have the time and heart to complete all six modules? I am passionate about learning and this is my biggest learning project. In fact, upon signing up for the certification, I still do not have any idea how I should study for the exams. My intention is not just passing the exams but actually knowing and deploy what I have learned.

Each paper requires a total of 46 hours of classes, excluding assignments and tests. After passing 2 exam modules and preparing for the 3rd module. Here are the list of methods that I find useful.

Everyday dedicate at least 25 to 40 minutes to study. I do this around 11pm just before winding down for the day. I choose this time is because I know I will be going to bed knowing that I am one step closer passing my exams. By consistently studying, I avoid pre-exam cramming sessions. Since my student days, cramming before exams has given me mixed results and loads of stress. Therefore I have made an effort not to cram for exams.

Take notes by writing it down. I took hand written notes and avoid highlighting the text book. I write down the key words or concepts during the lectures and I will search for these key words in the text books. I will then compare my notes against the text book. This method not only reinforces learning but also encourages a deeper engagement with the content, ensuring that the knowledge gained is not just for passing exams but for practical application in advising clients.

The path to AMII Level 1 certification is challenging. With passion, a strategic approach to learning, and a dash of steadfast commitment, I aim to sets a foundation for excellence in the insurance profession. I hope you find the information useful and inspire you to pursue a certification or knowledge that will help you in your career and life.