Living Kindfully

How to Select What to Know?

Information used to be scarce. In the past, if I needed information, I had to call the library and consult a book. In this age, we carry supercomputers in our pockets, granting us access to any knowledge we desire.

However, a new challenge has emerged: How do we determine which knowledge is worth our time and effort to acquire? There are two main types of knowledge. The first type is permanent knowledge. This knowledge is timeless; its core principles remain true regardless of how much time passes. More importantly, it should be relevant and valuable to you. The second type is impermanent knowledge. Examples include the latest celebrity gossip or local news. While impermanent knowledge can be entertaining, it has little bearing on your well-being or happiness.

Therefore, before you delve into the endless rabbit hole of the internet, consider what you're consuming. A constant barrage of gossip and impermanent knowledge can be a waste of your time.