Living Kindfully

If things are Going Badly, Tell yourself This...

My eldest son got himself a car. A car that is 24 years old, which is far older than him. I was speechless when I saw the car. The passenger door was dented, there were signs of rust, the reverse sensor is faulty, all four suspensions are squeaking. I wonder what other hidden issues waiting to be discovered.

I was all frown, and he was all smiles. He told me that all I see are problems, what he saw are opportunities. He planned to create a vlog recording his experience and restoration of the car. The situation is far from perfect, but he plans to make it the most perfect situation.

What he said is very profound. During the covid lockdown, where many complained about being confined inside the house. I took the opportunity to start my business. Covid was a bad time for many but covid is a time where I changed the trajectory of my life.

Yet I have forgot my own lessons. I become short tempered and complained about life. It was my son reminded me this forgotten experience. When things are going badly for you or not your expectation, ask yourself this question - "How can I make this the best thing happened to my life?"