Living Kindfully

It is Not Your Fault But....

Since my kids were young, I reinforce the lesson of holding themselves accountable for everything that happened in their life. No doubt many things are outside of their control but there are many things still within their influence.

When they were a toddler, I have to train them to sit in a car seat wearing seat-belts. As they grow older, they begin to rebel against this practise. Their reason is, nothing has happened and I am a safe driver therefore they do not need to wear seat belts.

Wearing a seat belts is for our safety. We may follow all traffic rules but other drivers may not be as careful. In the event were a driver knocks into our vehicle, the seat belt will save our lives. It is other driver's fault for crashing their vehicles into ours, but that accident becomes our problem. Therefore, we have to be proactive in protecting ourselves.

Thus the motto "It is not your fault, but it is your problem". Whenever they begin to get upset on certain issues, I will remind them the motto. Regardless of what life throw at us, there are still actions that we can still do to respond to it.

You have difficulty with math problems, spent more time at the question or request for tutorial time from the teacher. I get it, there could be certain circumstances in life that we are just powerless. But those are extreme cases. In normal days, we always have a choice to make things worst or better for ourselves. As long as we are willing to take ownership of our existence.

By taking ownership of our problems will not reduce our problems, but it gives better clarity on exactly what we can do about it. It is far better to feel sorry and victimised by life. Accept that life is not fair and many things that happened are not your fault, but there is also something you can do about it.

Remember "It is not your fault, but it is your problem".