Living Kindfully

It is Okay to Feel Down and Depressed

Do not believe all the positive motivational videos on the Internet. There will be days and periods of our life that we feel down and out. It is normal. We can never be happy and positive all the time. If we are, we could be locked up inside a mental hospital.

The reason that we feel happy and positive is because we have gone through a period of sadness and negativity. It is the contrast that allow us to feel elevated.

Think of a time that you have overcome a great struggle. How did you feel when the struggle is over? The greater the struggle, the greater the satisfaction.

When the days where you feel down and nothing seems to be going your way. DO not give up. Embrace the feeling of disappointment. Feelings of disappointment is not bug but a feature in life. It is a signal, telling you that you have to strategize, work harder, grind harder, think clearer so that eventually you will taste the true nectar of success.