Living Kindfully

Nothing Last Forever

The last six months I have been listening to the Fall of Civilization and I love it. It is fascinating to learn about sophisticated human civilizations that predate the Roman Empire. The podcast also debunks the myth of alien civilization on Easter Island.

My one key takeaway from Fall of Civilizations is the impermanence of empires. No matter how large, sophisticated, or militarily powerful, they all eventually crumble. Names that used to strike fear in the masses are now only remembered by a handful individuals.

This raises a question: if nothing lasts forever, should we abandon our dreams and ambitions? In my view, the purpose of life is to make the most of our limited time on Earth.

The world we inhabit today is partly built on the wisdom of those who came before us. These long-gone people has given us the foundation allowing us to become who we are today. While we may not live forever, and our creations may not stand the test of time, the lessons and knowledge we leave behind can serve as the foundation for future generations' progress.

Instead of doom scrolling on your phone, put it down and ponder what can give back to the human race?