Living Kindfully

Only Buy What you Love and What you Need

I have over 100 items in my Shopee checkout basket. Many are quite affordable, but affordability does not mean I should buy them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I lost a significant portion of my income and had to rely on my savings. Since then, I've become very cautious about spending.

Whenever I want to buy something, I ask myself if itis a need or a want. If it is a need, I will buy it. If it is a want, I ask myself if I love it. If I love it, I know it will bring me long-term joy, so I will buy it too.

I am embarrassed by all the unworn concert t-shirts and barely used exercise gadgets that are still in my house. All this junk cost a pretty penny that could have gone towards more worthwhile expenses.

To prevent buyer's remorse and ensure purchases bring joy, ask yourself: Do you need it or love it?