Living Kindfully

Read this When You feel Beaten by Life

Whenever I had a hard day were listened words are sharp and nothing seems to go well. I would reach this passage from a China author called Shi TieSheng.

Don't rub each other in people and me. Some words are not heavy, but if they are not careful, they will be heavily pressed into others' hearts; of course, train yourself and not be easily injured by others. You can't decide the length of life, but you can extend its width; you can't change the natural appearance, but you can always show a smile; you can't control others, but you can take control of yourself; you can't fully predict tomorrow, but you can make full use of it. Today; you can't ask everything to go well, but you can do everything.

I wish you well and happy. We cannot change how people treat us, but we can change how we treat others. I know it feels unfair when we wish we could just lash out and get our last laugh. There is really no straight answers to life's problem. The only way is to live today better than yesterday.