Living Kindfully

Schedule Fun into Your Calendar

For at least 18 years, Saturday mornings have been dedicated to my own cartoon session. It all started when my children were young, and I enjoyed watching cartoons with them. Those moments rekindled my own childhood love for animation.

Now, with the stress of work and personal projects, Saturday morning cartoons have become my personal reward. I spend about an hour immersing myself in whatever animated adventures capture my fancy.

Initially, I felt guilty about indulging in this morning fun. After all, mornings are typically my most productive time. I tried replacing cartoons with work or reading, but it backfired. I ended up feeling burnt out and unable to concentrate. Pushing through work sessions only led to resentment, leaving me working for the sake of working without any direction or goals.

Realizing this, I decided to reclaim my Saturday mornings for fun. Ultimately, I stopped feeling guilty about enjoying myself. This break from work actually allows me to recalibrate my mind and focus better on tasks later.

Scheduling both fun and work into my calendar ensures a healthy balance. Just like appointments and deadlines, schedule some fun activities in your week as well! It will make a big difference.