Living Kindfully

Someone Out There is Jealous of You

I always have certain amount of envy towards people who are doing better than me. It could be financially, socially and more. On social media, I would see someone's new car, luxurious holiday etc. I wonder why can't I catch a break and enjoy the same what they have.

I believe a healthy level of envy helps, because it motivates me to work harder and aim higher. No doubt there are moments, I let my jealousy got the best out of me. Now, those moments are rarer.

Occasionally, I remind myself that someone out there would look at my life with jealously. If they can step into my shoes, it is striking the ultimate lottery for them. I encourage you to ponder about this that someone who is looking from outside getting all jealous of you. It could be your wealth, health, fame, skill set and much more.

Someone famous would wish she can eat in a regular restaurant without any interruptions by fans or paparazzi. While the rich have to watch out for their personal security. In a nutshell, everything in life has a price. It all depends whether you are willing to pay for it.

Those who you are jealous could be jealous of you too. Can you name a few things that someone would be jealous of? Appreciate and enjoy whatever that you have now. Be happy for other's success as they have set an example, you too can achieve it.