Living Kindfully

Success is on the Other Side of Fear

Abraham Lincoln is recognized as one of the greatest orators of modern times.

His Gettysburg Address, a mere 272 words long, is hailed as one of the most important speeches in U.S. history.

While I always assumed Abraham Lincoln was a gifted leader and orator, I recently discovered he had a deep fear of public speaking. He struggled with anxiety and stammering, presenting a significant obstacle. A politician's success often hinges on their ability to connect with voters through public addresses, making his fear a hurdle to overcome.

Despite this fear, Lincoln understood the importance of public speaking. He practiced relentlessly, memorizing speeches and rehearsing them in front of mirrors and friends. He actively sought opportunities to speak in public, even in small settings, to conquer his anxieties.

Of course, we know he ultimately succeeded, becoming the President of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln's story demonstrates the power of facing your fears. No matter the challenges you face, you can overcome them. It may feel overwhelming at first, but take it one step at a time. Every setback is an opportunity to learn and improve. Soon, your fear will be behind you, and success will be within reach.