Living Kindfully

There is No Undo Button

One of my biggest regret is saying something that is hurtful and unnecessary to my love ones. I only regret what I said after I have said it. Alas it is too late. The damage is done.

I still catch myself wanting to say things that are inappropriate but having it to come out from my mouth are lesser. Words are like bullet shooting out from a gun. Once it is fired, you cannot take it back.

Life does not have an undo button where you can undo our mistakes. Opening our mouth to say something is the easiest thing to do but creates the most damage in a relationship.

Whenever I find myself angry, I choose to keep quiet. As I am afraid that I may say something wrong in the heat of the moment. By zipping my mouth, I have saved myself a lot of unnecessary argument and remorse. In the circumstances that I know I am right, I only go on facts not on emotion. More importantly whatever that I say, the intend is calm things down and not aggravate it.

We are not perfect and we all have emotions. Sometimes, it is impossible to contain it. Only by watching our mind and thoughts, we can only reduce the unnecessary outburst. Remember, there is no undo button in life. We have to pay the consequences of our words.