Living Kindfully

There Will Be Long Nights

Lately, my workload and personal projects seem never-ending. My to-do list grows daily. As soon as I complete one task, another appears.

This is the price I pay for starting my entrepreneurial journey in my mid-forties. I have to work harder than many others because I started late.

Like anything worthwhile, entrepreneurship requires long hours and late nights. I am like everyone else who desires comfort and an easy life. Why do I need to work so hard when others seem to be coasting through life? I have dreamed of being an entrepreneur since I was young, but I never had the courage to take the leap. It was due to repeated layoffs in my previous job that I finally decided to dive into entrepreneurship.

If you are like me, still struggling and chasing your dreams, know that you are not alone. The hours are long, and you may have to stay up late just to finish a quotation. These are all part of the price of success.

It is through struggle that success tastes sweeter. This is why video games are less fun when play in god mode. There's no challenge. Human existence is built on challenges and struggles. These struggles make life worth living. So embrace the long nights and longer days. The suffering will end, and you will experience the success that was once elusive.

I am still far from reaching my goal, but I have no regrets about paying the price for my success. The price of regret and "what if" is far more expensive.