Living Kindfully

Want Revenge? Do this...

I have been fuming for more than 36 hours over something which I feel I have been betrayed. In hindsight, it is not the other's party fault but my own. It was my lack of judgement that caused the pain. I was very lucky that I came to my senses before I do anything stupid.

For 36 hours, I was so upset to the point where I could not sleep and could not concentrate on my priorities. The whole incident kept repeating in my head. All I want is revenge, an eye for an eye. I want the other party come crawling, apologise for his actions. And I will turn down his apology and spit at his face. Yes, I was that angry.

My thoughts and imagination twisted me so badly that I begin to plot for my revenge. A few keys strokes on the browser and word document, I have the whole plan laid out in front of me. The next step is to take action.

Maybe it was the warm beer that I had, I suddenly wake up from my insanity. I have become someone that I do not recognise. I asked myself - "How does this help you in the long run"? Seeking revenge over a soured deal is stupid and short sighted. I could have hurt the other person and bring no joy or benefit into my life. In the long run, the other party may have his own revenge against me.

It was after I have plotted my revenge, I got calmer. I was seeing things clearly after I put everything into words. Writing has been therapeutic. I took a pause from this blog because my mental stage does not align with the spirit of this blog. But it is those moments that I should have continue to write and reflect.

I was minutes away from doing something really stupid. Actions that will define my life forever. Writing and reflecting gave me time to pause.

If you ever plan for a revenge, you can go ahead and plan. The more detailed the plan, the better it is. Before you take action, read through the plans and reflect - "How does this help you in the long run"? And, "What can you do, not to put yourself in this position again"?

Suffering from setbacks never feels good. It may be not entirely your fault, but it is your problem. We cannot control what others would do. We always have a choice on our action. I pray that you will always choose the right option.