Living Kindfully

Wear Your Scars with Pride

The first noble truth in Buddhism is dukkha, which means suffering. It suggests that life inherently involves suffering, and there's no escape from it.

Many people find the idea of dukkha hopeless and depressing. For me, however, understanding that suffering is a core aspect of life has been strangely relieving.

In the past, I constantly compared myself to others, feeling jealous of their wealth, freedom, and fitness. I tirelessly pursued my desires, often failing to achieve them, whether it was starting a business or mastering a new skill.

While others achieved milestones I could only dream of, I remained on the grind, accumulating more setbacks than successes. The journey wasn't easy. I've been verbally abused, bullied, and faced countless disappointments. Giving up was a constant temptation. These experiences have left scars on me, both emotional and perhaps physical.

Fearing judgment and worry, I kept my struggles hidden from my family. However, with each scar came unexpected successes, achievements I wouldn't have attained if I hadn't taken risks.

One crucial lesson I learned, perhaps a little late, is that success comes at the cost of numerous failures. For a while, resentment colored my perspective. I didn't realize that each scar represents a valuable lesson and experience, pushing me closer to my dreams.

You don't have to give up everything to chase your dreams. Start small. Take actionable steps that require minimal time and resources.

Focus on creating experiences or conducting experiments that offer learning opportunities, regardless of the outcome.

For example, if you dream of starting a business, launch a small side hustle to test your idea or products. If the motorsports industry fascinates you, start a blog or YouTube channel to share your passion. The key is to begin small and scale up as you gain experience.

You may have encountered many failures. Let the pain fade, but hold onto the lessons learned. Every failure offers valuable insights on how to improve.

So, examine the "scars" in your life. Each one can serve as a roadmap to your ultimate success. Wear your scars with pride – they are a testament to your unique journey.