Living Kindfully

Why I Don't Read the News?

I used to have a weekly routine called "No News Monday." Every Monday, I wouldn't read the news. My goal was to avoid getting sucked into the vortex of clickbait and protecting my productivity.

This routine helped me stay productive, and I saved at least an hour per day. Eventually, I turned this weekly practice into a daily habit.

Initially, I worried that I might miss important news. And yes, I did miss a few stories. However, the impact on my life has been negligible. There are some inconveniences; sometimes, when someone brings up a current event, I need them to explain what happened and how it affects us. But if a topic truly interests me, I can look it up online. This is a much more efficient use of my time than aimlessly scrolling through news sites.

If you have a news-reading habit and want more time in your day, try avoiding the news for one day. If it doesn't work for you, you can always go back to your old routine. Not reading the news has worked for me, and I've gained an extra hour or two per day.