Living Kindfully

Why I still Blog in 2024?

At the time of writing, I have at least 10 drafts on various topics that I want to write about. Some of these drafts will never be published.

Whenever I have an idea to write, I write down my ideas in point form and try to expand from there. As I write, I don't edit anything; I just let my fingers do the talking. It's only after I have exhausted my ideas, I will then start editing the draft.

Writing helps to clear my mind. By writing down my ideas, I identify my blind spots and the level of my understanding. As I try to articulate my thoughts, I often discover assumptions I did not even know I had. More often than not, I only have an idea but never the true understanding of what I want to express. I have to read and find out more about what I need to know before I can write further. Therefore, writing helps to flush out my ignorance.

One of the many pieces of feedback I have received is that I consistently fail to see other people's perspectives. When things didn't go my way, I blamed everyone else except myself. If I could take a moment to understand others' perspectives, I could have made my life easier. And what does being selfish have to do with blogging? When I write, my aim is to share my thoughts and help my readers. If I write things that nobody understands, I have not only failed in my mission but also wasted everyone's time.

Did I use AI to outsource my writing? No, I did not and I will not. Writing is like working out in a gym. The more I write, the better I get. If I outsourced my writing to AI, I might have a faster publishing cycle, but I would never gain the deep insights that come from writing. AI lacks the ability to critically analyse my thoughts or uncover my own biases. It cannot replicate the self-discovery that comes from wrestling with my ideas on paper.

I may use AI to check for grammar, spelling, and how to improve my arguments. But AI will never write my blog. Writing helps me to grow and discover a new perspective, which is the real benefit of writing for myself.