Living Kindfully

Why Making Cold Calls are Important?

In my business, I have to make cold calls everyday. I admit that the first few calls is always the most difficult. Difficult as in having the courage to enquire and setup an appointment with the prospects. I am afraid getting rejected by prospective clients.

Currently, the number of calls that I need to make are significantly smaller compared to when I first started. Many of my business now are gained through word and mouth.

But I still make a point to cold calls. One of the reasons are to never forget how I started and struggled in the business. It is through struggling, I learned about myself. We do not experience growth through comfort, it is always through growing pains that we gain the most experience and develop the most skills. Secondly, I cannot just rely on my existing network for business. If my network fails me, I will have nothing to fall on.

Moreover, making cold calls tame my ego. The cold calls is a reminder that I have not made it. There are still prospects does not know about my products and services. I need to stay humble to understand my prospects pain point and position my pitch that brings value to them.

Cold call is something that is most uncomfortable but it is always an experience where I gain the most. So if you are a business owner, it is okay to be afraid to cold call but you should never avoid it.