Living Kindfully

Wound Heals , Scars Last Long But Wear Your Scars with Pride

During the Covid Pandemic, I was out of job and started my own business. It was one of the worst period of my life. I lied to my family that I am still employed and everything is fine. I was secretly suffering. My silence was deafening when family reminded me of the overdue bills.

It has been 4 years since I started my business. My life has significantly improved. I still have not reach my full aspirations yet, but things are considerably better.

Yet the fear of financial hardship never left my mind. I constantly about the unpaid bills and I aggressively save for emergency.

Despite feeling financially secure, the experience has left emotional scars.

If you are ever being traumatised by a bad experience, you are not alone. I know it is difficult for you to have trust and feel safe again. I heard you and I know how it feels. Just take one day at a time and be grateful for each day. The day that you can smile will come again.

The wound will heal, but scars last long. You can still wear the scars with pride.