Living Kindfully

You can be Disappointed but You cannot Give Up

Today I lost a big contract where I thought I can win. To prepare for this contract, I make sure I know the person-in-charge. I studied the client requirements and history. I answered all my questions that the client asked. Little that I know the client was using my answers to negotiate against me through other suppliers. I even pre-order the product. So that as I receive the purchase order, I can immediately deliver the goods. Alas, I lost the tender over price and some features that I could have easily matched.

It is a bitter pill to swallow as I was confident and really needed this contract. Obviously, I failed to build the relationship with the client and did not have a complete understanding of their requirements. Not to mention, overconfident with my relationship with client. Lastly, I have also failed to understand what my competitors are doing.

As I am writing this, I really wish I could lash out at someone. But I know it is squarely my fault. I know I will not be able to stop beating myself. The road to entrepreneurship is winding and this is expected. I cannot give up and I have to come back stronger.