Living Kindfully

You just have to Make the Next Five Minutes Great

How to live a great and purposeful life? There are many answers but this is the simplest that I can practice. That's to make the next five minutes the best of your life.

When you do a task, tell yourself that the next five minutes, you will give it your best in doing the task. When the five minutes is up, repeat that thought until you move on to your next task.

When you talk to someone, tell yourself that the next five minutes, you will pay full attention to the conversation. Rinse and repeat until the conversation is over.

When you are alone by yourself. Give yourself 5 minutes and pay full attention to yourself. Listen to what your heart tells you. You be surprised what you can learn from yourself.

We do not know how much longer we can live, we can only control how we spent our time. So, in the next five minutes give it all with you have got.