Living Kindfully

You Need to Show Up

Woody Allen is often credited with saying, "80% of success is showing up." There are many pathways to success, but this is probably one of the easiest and most direct paths.

Showing up means being prepared to seize any opportunity that may arise. You have to keep a watchful eye on your surroundings and network, and also be ready to take action. If you see the opportunity but lack the ability to take it, you are merely an observer. If you are ready but could not see the opportunity, it means you have not learned enough to connect the dots of opportunities.

Showing up also means being resilient and not giving up. Not all opportunities are created equal, and not all will be successful. You have to bounce back from setbacks and be ready to take whatever opportunities that may come your way.

Before becoming a globally renowned author, J.K. Rowling faced numerous rejections for her manuscript of Harry Potter. Despite the setbacks, she persisted, continuing to write and submit her work.

Eventually, a small publishing house, Bloomsbury, agreed to publish the first Harry Potter book. The series went on to become a massive global phenomenon, proving that even in the face of rejection, consistent effort and perseverance can lead to extraordinary success. For Ms. Rowling, one of her secret ingredients of success was to keep showing up.

Now, I encourage you to ask yourself, how can you keep showing up? To show up means you have to take risks and embarrass yourself. If you are an aspiring singer, can you start a singing video channel? If you are a writer, can you start a blog and share your thoughts with the world?

Success and opportunities are ripe for your taking. Are you ready and willing to take the first step of showing up?