Living Kindfully

Your Future Self is watching You

When my kids are at primary school, we have a dedicated homework time. We shared the same study table. They would do their homework, and I would do my work.

Sometimes, I could not accompany them due to other commitments. When I got home, my family would tell me that the kids failed to complete their homework. Obviously, my presence gets them concentrate on their homework.

Even as an adult, if our work is not checked or monitored, we tend to do a sloppy job. Just because no one else is watching, we cut corners.

Whenever I exercise, I always imagine someone in the corner is watching me and judging me. So, I do not dare to be lazy. When I am alone, I am my biggest critique. This critique would pick on my work and he is never satisfied. That's how I maintain focus and completing my work.

It takes effort to sit down and pursue your dreams. It is easy to procrastinate and find excuses not to do the necessary work. Imagine you are standing next to yourself, what would you tell yourself? Imagine further, your future self is standing over you, will you put in more effort in work and in living? I am sure the answer is yes. What you are today is what you did yesterday. What you will be in the future, is what you are doing now. Your future self is watching you, give each moment your best so your future self can enjoy the results of your hard work.